El Simposio tendrá lugar entre el 5 y el 7 de Noviembre de 2012, en la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Este simposio tiene como propósito vincular a investigadores del European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) con científicos argentinos. En particular, se discutirán avances en Biología Computacional y Estructural, en Neurociencias y en la Regulación de la Expresión Génica y Post-transcripcional. El simposio será gratuito pero con inscripción previa. Para ello podrán consultar la página del evento: https://eventioz.com/embl-en-argentina

En el marco del Simposio se realizará además una actividad especial, destinada a post-docs, “Preparing for the academic job market”, que estaremos anunciando a la brevedad.

Por cualquier consulta, por favor escribir a emblbuenosaires2012@gmail.com

Los esperamos.

Los organizadores (Amaicha Depino, Ignacio Sánchez y Lázaro Centanin)


November 5th

8:00-9:00. Registration

9:00-12:30 Session I. Structural and Computational Biology I.

9h “Eukaryotic linear motifs and the nature of cell regulation” - Dr. Toby Gibson, EMBL Heidelberg.

10h “Evolution of linear motifs within intrinsically disordered viral oncoproteins” - Dr. Ignacio Sanchez, FCEN, UBA, Buenos Aires.

11h Coffee break

11:30h “Architecture and regulation of metabolic networks” - Dr. Kiran Raosaheb Patil, EMBL Heidelberg.

12:30-14 Lunch break

14:00-16:30 Session II. Structural and Computational Biology II.

14:00h “Systemic analysis of the human gut: Lessons from studying drugs and bugs” - Dr. Peer Bork, Joint Head of Unit, EMBL Heidelberg.

15:00h “Biophysical and structural traits in protein evolution” - Dr. Alejandro Vila, IBR, Rosario.

16:00h Coffee break

16:30h “Hidden layers of transcriptome complexity” - Dr. Lars Steinmetz, EMBL Heidelberg.

17:30-19:00 “Research at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory” – Prof. Iain Mattaj, Director General, EMBL.

November 6th

9:30-11:30. Special activity: Preparing for the academic job market. Drs. Donal O’Carroll, Ramesh Pillai, Eduardo Cánepa and Diego Ferreiro. Registration required.

13:30-18:00 Session III. Brain Development.

13:30h “From neural stem cells to circuit remodeling in the adult hippocampus” - Dr. Alejandro Schinder, Leloir Institute (IIBBA-CONICET), Buenos Aires.

14:30h “Population vs individual decisions of stem cells in vivo” – Dr. Lázaro Centanin, COS, Heidelberg University.

15:30h Coffee break

16h “Microglia, synaptic pruning and autism” - Dr. Cornelius Gross, Deputy Head of Outstation, EMBL Monterotondo.

17h “Inflammation and the autistic brain” – Dr. Amaicha Depino, FCEN, IFIByNE, UBA-CONICET, Buenos Aires.

November 7th

9:00-12:30 Session IV: Gene Regulation and Post-Transcriptional Regulation I

9h “Imaging gene regulatory molecules in the living mouse embryo” - Dr. Nicolas Platcha, EMBL Australia.

10h “Plasticity and functions of the Dengue virus RNA genome” – Dr. Andrea Gamarnik, Leloir Institute (IIBBA-CONICET), Buenos Aires.

11h Coffee break

11:30h “Small (RNA) arms for genome defense” – Dr. Ramesh Pillai, EMBL Grenoble.

12:30-14:00 Lunch break

14:00-17:30 Session V: Gene Regulation and Post-Transcriptional Regulation II

14h “Establishment and maintenance of transposon silencing in the male germ line” - Dr. Donal O’Carrol, EMBL Monterotondo.

15h “Chromatin and transcription regulate alternative splicing” - Dr. Alberto Kornblihtt, FCEN, IFIByNE, UBA-CONICET, Buenos Aires. EMBO foreign member.

16h Coffee break

16:30h “General principles of cis-regulatory control during development” - Dr. Eileen Furlong, Joint Head of Unit, EMBL Heidelberg.

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